Your privacy is important to Eokultv.

Personal Information

We DO NOT collect, store or use any personal information while you visit, download or upgrade our products.

We may use personal information submitted by you only for the following purposes: help us develop, deliver, and improve our products and services and supply higher quality service; manage online surveys and other activities you've participated in.

In the following circumstances, we may disclose your personal information according to your wish or regulations by law:

* (1) Your prior permission;
* (2) By the applicable law within or outside your country of residence, legal process, litigation requests;
* (3) By requests from public and governmental authorities;
* (4) To protect our legal rights and interests.
Use of Collected User Information
We use the collected information solely for the purpose of tracking bugs, improving the Application functionality and enhancing user experience.
We also use Google Admob SDK and Unity SDK for advertisements in our applications.

Modifications to this Privacy Policy

This Privacy Policy may be revised periodically. Notices will be sent to users to advise the changes.


If an user has any questions about this Privacy Statement or any complaints or comments on how the Company handle the user information related to the Service, please write to .