Nature Test Çöz 3. Sınıf



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Nature Test Çöz 3. Sınıf İngilizce Testleri

Soru: How many frogs are there in the lake?
A) The frogs are over there B) There are two frogs C) There isa frog in the lake.

Soru: Aşağıdaki soru-cevap eşleştirmelerinden hangisi yanlıştır?
A) How many bears are there in the forest? / Yes, there are bears B) Are there four dolphings in the sea? / No, there arent. C) Is the frog green? / Yes, it is

Soru: Resme göre sorunun cevabı hangi seçenektir?
What colour is this shark?
A) This shark is black and red. B) It is green and grey. C) This is a blue and white shark.

Soru: Resimlere göre hangi seçenek uygun düşer?
A) I like whales but I don't like dolphins. B) I like dolphins but I don't like whales. C) I like sharks but I don't like dolphins.

A: Where is the seagull? Can you see it?
B:Yes, l can ..........................
A) Over there! On the log. B) It is in the aguarium. C) They are in the park.

Soru: How many ladybirds are there on the flower?
A) The ladybirds like flowers. B) There are two ladybirds. C) There is a ladybird in the forest.

Soru: Aşağıda verilen resme göre soru - cevap eşleştirmelerinden hangisi doğrudur?
A) How many bears can you see? / I can see two bears B) İs there a ladybird on the flower? / No, there isnt. C) İs the bear big and brown? / Yes, it is.